A Little Twist on a Classic Fourth of July Staple

As a “souper” mom, I like to do things differently, put a little twist on an old classic, express my “independence.” And July 4th gives me a reason to bump it up a notch. When I think of July 4th celebrations, picnics (and of course, fireworks) come to mind and every thing that goes along with them from hamburger and hot dogs to potato salad. This year I wanted to add a little sparkle to the usual July 4th party by adding a little zing to the table and making taste buds sing a little star spangled banner all on their own. Today’s recipe, Lemon Pesto Potato Salad, accomplishes just that!

I love lemon and I love pesto, so I thought to myself, “Why not put the two of them together, throw them on potatoes, and see if everything gets along.” The combo now lives happily ever after. Pesto is one of those foods that you can spread on anything, and it would taste delicious. Okay, well not everything. I certainly wouldn’t ruin a chocolate chip cookie, a brownie, or a bowl of ice cream with it, but that is an entirely different story. Sorry to digress.

My Mom made a delicious, garlicy pesto the other day, and there was just enough left over to make the dressing for this potato salad. I apologize for not being a “souper” mom this time around and providing you with a pesto recipe. However, I do have a great one that I will post at a later date. What is unique about this dish, in addition to the lemon and pesto, is the size of the potatoes.  I used mini ones! Huntsinger Farms Gourmet Petitetoes from Whole Foods to be exact. They are so easy to work with because you don’t need to peel them, but I do recommend you wash them before you cook them. I confess I used regular mayo instead of my usual eggless brand, but hey, it’s party time!  So, what did you decide to do differently this Independence Day?

I hope you and your family had a very happy, fun, and safe Fourth of July.

Lemon Pesto Potato Salad

1 1/2 – 2 lb bag mini golden potatoes

2 tablespoons pesto

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/4 scant cup mayonnaise

Juice of half a lemon

Salt and pepper to taste

Boil potatoes in lightly salted water until fork tender, 15-20 minutes. While the potatoes are cooking, combine the pesto, olive oil, mayo, and lemon juice in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper according to your liking. Drain potatoes, allow to cool for a few minutes, then cut each one in half and place in a bowl. Pour the dressing over the potatoes and mix to cover them. Chill for 1-2 hours or until ready to eat. Serves 4-6.

Sorry the bag is ripped. I forgot to take a picture of it before I opened it and removed all the potatoes.

Lemon and Pesto dressing for the potatoes.

The finished product! Grab a fork and dig in!

About soupermomskitchen

My day begins and ends in the kitchen, and I believe all moms have a little (or a lot) of Super Woman in them.
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4 Responses to A Little Twist on a Classic Fourth of July Staple

  1. Belle says:

    We all enjoyed your dish so very much, Darling. Keep them coming. Oh, and I love your blog!

  2. Anne says:

    Love! I woke up, for some unknown reason at 5:15am today. Luckily I had been to the store yesterday with a plan to make this in the near future. I got to thinking…well if I make it this early it will be chilled for lunch! Now I’m waiting, rather impatiently for lunch to get here! I couldn’t help but eat a few bites warm…thank you for the wonderful recipe! I will continue to cook my way through your blog with a renewed love of cooking! 🙂

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